Without a doubt the Worcester Art Museum has done a great job in combining art, entertainment, in a comfortable environment for patrons and enthusiasts alike. It is no different for this Third Thursday After Hours. The event provides guests with a special two-for-one Irish experience. The largely anticipated Hymn to the Earth: Photographs by Ron Rosenstock opens the same day as the monthly Third Thursday After Hours and is the subject of the 30-minute guided tour (starting at 6:15pm) of the new exhibition. Rosenstock, a Worcester County native, renowned landscape photographer and charismatic teacher will present his gorgeous black-and-white photographs. The exhibition includes photos selected from 40 years of his work with subjects from around the globe, with a few from Rosenstock’s visits to the Emerald Isle.
Beginning at 5:30pm, Songs for Ceilidh, a group that performs original music with traditionally inspired Celtic melodies and high-energy, upbeat rhythms, is the perfect match to accompany the Rosenstock opening. The four-piece band includes Scott Price, Bryan Christensen, Chuck Hallett, and Jon Jasinski. Incredible vocals aside, this band has a large instrument repertoire including everything from the fiddle to tin whistles to bongos.
Free for members of the Worcester Art Museum! “Creative” babysitting is available from 6-8pm at $10 per child for members and $15 per child for nonmembers.