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Angela’s Sauté from Rosalina’s Kitchen

Angela’s Sauté from Rosalina's Kitchen on Hamilton Street in Worcester, MA

Angela’s Sauté from Rosalina's Kitchen on Hamilton Street in Worcester, MAAll right folks, it’s official…I am ready to say that I have tasted the most incredible Italian cuisine in the city! Rosalina’s Kitchen on Hamilton Street has blown the rest of the Italian eateries out of the water. True…its location is inconspicuous at best with a no-frill interior decor, yet this byob establishment has a dynamic menu that will leave even the hungriest individual completely satiated.

After being greeted by Angela, one of the owners, my bottle of red wine was quickly opened, poured and my appetizer order was taken. I was told that the eggplant rollatini was to die and was not disappointed. Rolls of delicately fried eggplant, ricotta, creamy mozzarella cheese, and a delightful red sauce quite literally melted in my mouth and disappeared from the plate my husband and I were sharing in a matter of seconds. The small side salad was quite substantial with crisp ingredients and a zesty homemade balsamic dressing. The entree arrived piping hot and absolutely ginormous! I had ordered Angela’s Sauté which consisted of chicken smothered in toasted pine nuts tossed with a tangy garlic & oil sauce with fresh mushrooms & spinach. I ordered mine over penne which was cooked al dente. The dish was truly exquisite! The chicken was moist and tender and the toasted pine nuts added texture and richness to the dish. I’m not sure who loved the dish more…my husband or myself as he spent just as much time “sneaking” bites off my plate as he did eating his own meal. If I’m being honest, I think I sampled dishes from at least five of my fellow foodies, all of which were equally delicious. I look forward to returning to Rosalina’s Kitchen and highly recommend this fine restaurant with the highest compliments to the chef and staff!

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Taverna Burger

Taverna Burger

Taverna Burger

I must admit, when I was first presented with the Taverna Burger at Zorba’s Taverna Restaurant and Bar I was disappointment by it’s appearance. Having seen the other dishes arrive from the kitchen as mini works of art, the Taverna Burger seemed to be casually thrown onto the plate with it’s sides; especially with the honey presented in a plastic cup reminiscent of my jello-shot days. The sweet potato fries were pretty standard with the all too familiar “processed orange” color, albeit satisfactory. While the burger was flavorful, juicy, and perfectly charred, the toppings were an unexpected combination of flavor and texture. The two cheeses—feta and mozzarella—worked perfectly together as they vied for my taste buds’ attention, only to lose out to the flavor of the mushrooms and bacon. The real unexpected treat was the honey. Adding the sweetness of the honey to each bite of the burger tantalized the taste buds to easily forget about the hastily put together appearance and disappointing sweet potato fries. -LV