On Saturday, October 13th, an electronic power supply/relay caught fire in the labs of Brad Allain’s Wildwood Mushrooms. The fire was quickly extinguished by a sprinkler system and supported by the quick response of the Sutton Fire Department and assistance from both Millbury’s and Douglas’ units. While the actual fire (which was deemed accidental from the MA State Fire Marshal’s office) did not cause significant damage, the resulting water devastated the entire inventory of mushrooms, which the board of health required to be disposed of. The damage to the lab and mill space was bad enough that Brad will need to tear out his entire operations and look for a new home. Mass Foodies, who was coincidentally on site during the fire, remains optimistic that Brad will be able to quickly set-up a new space. When speaking with Brad, he noted, “we built this operation literally from scratch. The success that we’ve experienced since starting has been overwhelming because of the quality and quantity we were able to create. While it is a major setback, it won’t stop us from improving upon what we had so that we can quickly be back to serving the most notable restaurants, markets, and stores in the region.” As Brad and his team remain resilient and optimistic about relocating, it’s critical to find a new space sooner than later—preferably a 1,500-2,500 sq ft. warehouse space with concrete floors. Any references or leads are welcome.
Category: Food News
Food News revolves around the happenings within the national Hospitality Industry and how it relates to the local restaurant scene. Here in the Commonwealth, the dining scene is vibrant and is influenced by—and sometimes influences—the national spotlight.
Kummerspeck Has Closed, Planning One Last Hurrah for the Weekend of October 26
Meatless Monday takes on a whole new meaning today and no one in this city is better for it. Matt Mahoney and Rachel Coit, the uber-talented couple behind Kummerspeck – one of Worcester’s most acclaimed new restaurants and butcher counters – have announced they will close immediately until Friday, October 26, when they will reopen to give their diehard fans one last weekend to remember them by.
“We’re going to take a week or so, give the place a deep-clean, prep an awesome Kummerspecky menu, and then open up that Friday through Sunday and go out with a bang,” says Mahoney. One final return of the recent smash Fried Chicken Monday isn’t out of the question for Monday October 29, but will probably be a decision made that weekend, Mahoney adds, as will be any sale of the incredible aged beef and other products Kummerspeck has developed a cult following for.
For a couple who named their restaurant “grief bacon” in German, Mahoney and Coit hate to send their loyal customers into the five stages of grief (denial anyone?) without more bacon and beyond to offset it. But at least they will give us one last shot to savor the food that led to several awards and mentions on best-of lists in its short time on the Worcester dining scene. This may get fans through the bargaining stage.
And for those of us struggling to get to acceptance, the final stage of grief, Mahoney and Coit promise to share the story behind their decision in a feature article coming soon.