The filet of sole at 86 Winter in the Canal District was served stuffed with lobster, scallops, and shrimp. Tossed with a mediera lobster cream sauce and served with sautéed green beans and gratin potatoes. Due to dietary issues, I decided to order this dish without the cream sauce. The fish was light and a bit dry, had I ordered it with the cream sauce it would have been perfect. The stuffing was delicious with large chunks of scallops, lobster, and shrimp mixed with celery and little else. Unlike most stuffings, this one was not overly buttery or filled with breadcrumbs; this simple combination allowed the true flavors of the fish to shine. The green beans were deliciously tossed with garlic. The potatoes were light – not heavily buttered or with too much cheese – I could actually taste the potato. Overall a great dish!