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Ben O’Meara, the World’s Most Remarkable Regular

Ben, and Jenn pose with November Project leader, Sam Kanary at Armsby Abbey.

There are a lot of awards that get handed out in the service industry this time of year. Best Bartender, Best Chef, Best Server, Best Restaurant…

But, there is one other accolade to bestow, which we seem to have forgotten, and that is the distinction of Best Customer. No one holds a candle to Ben and Jenn.

Ben and Jenn were the first ‘regulars’ I really got to know when I landed a job at Armsby Abbey in Worcester. I didn’t have a choice.

Communication was key on the floor of our fast paced restaurant. If something got 86’ed or subbed or altered, the information would travel like wildfire. Likewise, when Ben and Jenn would arrive, word would spread in the same urgent fashion. The host would tap me on the shoulder and say, “You have table seven. Also, did you see Ben and Jenn are here?” The busy sous-chef would pause in the kitchen while rearranging tickets to acknowledge, “Ben and Jenn, seats 12-13!” I suspect they never went anywhere undetected on account of their sheer magnetism. 

My colleagues were always particularly kind in making allowances so I could go soak up Ben and Jenn’s sunny vibes. They would run my drinks while Ben and Jenn peppered me with Providence restaurant recommendations, regaled me with tales about the fair pay fight for U.S. Women’s Hockey, and gave me the scoop on what new tribes were pledging for November Project.

It’s funny how two people can start as customers and so quickly work their way into your life. Before I knew it, they had me waking up early every Wednesday to run up and down the stadium stairs at Holy Cross with November Project, a local free-fitness group. I can say with certainty that I am not the first waitress they turned into a morning person. Whenever someone new showed up to a workout, there was a good shot they would reveal a connection to Ben and Jenn.  They were proud operators of what we called “NP Uber,” happy to drive Worcesterites like myself to far away workouts. Their motto was “just show up.” And, they showed up whenever I needed them – for brunches, housewarmings, birthdays – they never missed. On Christmas Day, when my dad and I didn’t have anywhere special to go, they insisted on buying us breakfast at Cafe Reyes. They made everyone in their presence feel remarkable. They made Worcester feel like home.

On Sunday, Ben passed away unexpectedly at age 45 after crossing the finish line of a road race. In the days that followed, Runners World paid tribute to Ben along with thousands of athletes around the country.

I’m sure Mayor Joe Petty won’t mind when I say that Ben O’Meara was the people’s Mayor around these parts. He was a keeper of quiet wisdom, genuine smiles, and infinite good will. And, in this sad time, it is our honor as a community to “just show up” for Jenn, who is not only the best customer, but also a true friend to us all.