The Wonder Bar is touted as one of Worcester’s best pizza joints and it’s definitely one of the oldest. It’s classic, dive bar decor is welcoming in a “come as you are” sense. On this visit, our group shared a number of pizzas which allowed me to try a couple that I hadn’t in the past. The pizzas at Wonderbar are not huge but are perfect for 2-3 people. My favorite of the night was the tomato and bacon pizza. The salty bacon melded well with the tomatoes, sauce and cheese. The amount of toppings was just right – not overwhelming but enough to get some in each bite. The crust was flavorful and had a great texture without being too crunchy. This is a pizza I would definitely order again, and, hopefully soon! –JM
My first piece of the night that I had at Wonder Bar on Shrewsbury Street was the tomato and bacon pizza. I am normally not the biggest fan of sliced tomatoes but I decided to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised. The tomato was sliced thin and added an element of acidity to the pizza, where the bacon added that salty pork flavor. The crust was thin and crispy with a nice char on the bottom, making me almost wish I had some marinara to dip it in the finish it off. -ED
This thin, crispy crust pizza features large, thin tomato slices with a healthy amount of bacon chucks across the top. There’s enough bacon that you get some in every bite and the thin slices of tomato are a very nice contrast to the bacon. The bacon was cooked nicely without being too crispy and overall this is an excellent pizza from Wonder Bar. -DL
This pizza had very thin tomato slices with small bits of bacon chucks across the top. There was enough bacon that you get some in every bite and the thin slices of tomato were a very nice contrast to the bacon. The bacon was cooked down within the sauce so you got bacon flavor without the extra crispy-ness you sometimes would expect to find in bacon, I actually loved this pizza and didn’t feel like I needed the bacon to be extra crispy. This was one of my favorites of the night and a welcome addition to the Wonder Bar menu! -RL
Of the three pizzas I tried from Wonder Bar, this was my favorite. Men aren’t the only ones that can appreciate the undeniable flavor of bacon and this pizza had just enough bacon, cooked perfectly, married with the thin crust and contrasting tomato to satisfy my love for bacon, the Wonder Bar crust (crispy, thin and delicious). -LB