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Rotini Special

The Roteni Special available at Ziti's on Harding Street.

As the name suggests (name derives from the Italian for twists) this dish was overflowing with plump twisted pasta drenched with a pink sauce and decorated, for flavor and color, with fresh basil, scallops, spinach, and shrimp. The pasta, unlike most varieties, has a purpose beyond flavor. The rotini noodle truly absorbs the flavors and allows for the sauce to stick to it for every mouthful. The creamy, full bodied pasta with thick savory sauce was delicious as it was filling. The seafood aspect, combining shrimp and sea scallops was a nice touch, but left a slight “fishy” taste. The scallops aside, the red peppers and spinach added an incredible flavor that made it very difficult not to try to finish this 2-person-plus sized dish. -LV

Reviewed at Ziti’s Italian Trattoria.