You’ve seen the banners hanging outside many of the bars, restaurants and clubs in Worcester announcing Yuengling is on its way. But what is all they hype and why is Yuengling such a big deal around these parts?
To some, Yuengling will be just “another” beer in the long list of options. To others, Yuengling’s reemergence in the marketplace is long overdue and very much anticipated because since 1993, the brand has not been sold in Massachusetts. For many Bay Staters, enjoying the beer (rather – the lager) has been relegated to when they travel to one of the 14 states from Alabama to West Virginia, along the Mid-Atlabtic, NJ, NY or Pennsylvania where it is sold. Of course, many cases of Yuengling have been packed away in trunks or backseats for the ride back to Massachusetts to be shared with family and friends, only driving up the demand and excitement.
Described as a cross-over between a high-end craft beer and a mainstream domestic lager, Yuengling seems to have a broad appeal. “It’s darker and more flavorful than the Buds and Coors of the world and a little easier drinking than some of the craft beers I’ve tasted,” said one patron we spoke with. Will Yuengling live up to all the hype? Only time will tell and the consumer will ultimately answer that question but for now the mysterious brew with the all-American history is making headway in Central Massachusetts.
Founded in 1829, Yuengling is the oldest operating brewing company in the United States. Located Pottsville, Pennsylvania, the privately-owned company produces around 2.5 million barrels annually and is run by Richard Yuengling, the 5th generation family member to lead the company.
Many restaurants and bars in Central Massachusetts carry Yuengling Lager on tap and look for Yuengling Lager, Light Lager and Original Black & Tan in cans and bottles at your favorite retailer.